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This project was created on 06/05/2015 and last updated 3 years ago.


This project can translate the keystrokes from a PS/2 keyboard into equivalent switch closures of a matrix keyboard with 8 lines by 8 rows (the number of lines can be expanded, though).
It can be used to replace the or work in parallel with the original keyboard from classic computers, like ZX81/Spectrum, MSX, TRS-80, TRS-Color, Commodore 64, etc

This project is free, under the license CC by 4.0. See



The circuit consists of a PIC16F688 microcontroller that reads the PS/2 keyboard and eight 74HC595 shift registers. Each key read rom a PS/2 keyboards is translated into a map of bits that are serially sent to the shift registers.

The current board has the following features:

  • Capable of emulating a 8x8 matrix expandable to 8 x n (board has already solder points with identification for that).
  • Three connectors for PS/2 Keyboard: Mini Din -6, 4 pin header and USB female (some keyboards can revert to PS/2 compatibility when they can't establish an USB connection).
  • 2 I/O pins for reading special modifier keys or indicators (like caps lock, etc).
  • Serial 'Header' serial (TTL levels) for ease of debugging or for 'cross typing' (send pressed keys to serial and activate received characters - this is just a possibility and it's not implemented yet)
  • PIC ISP header for development and burning new firmware.

TEK - PS/2 to Matrix Keyboard Adapter/Emulator

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